Do you know your Inner Child ?

Hi there,

I hope you had beautiful new year celebrations, surrounded by your loved ones.

Being with our loved ones and family members can be challenging and trigger a lot of wounds.

Today I'd like to talk about a topic that has been foundational in my own healing journey.

You may have heard of it before :

The inner child.

It's the part of us, when faced with a seemingly trivial event, can react disproportionately or be overwhelmed by emotions.

As children, we don't have the same emotional and cognitive capacities as an adult to change perspective and understand what's happening around us.

Many of us have grew up in families where there wasn't any emotional support, meaning we haven't been heard, seen, and comforted by an adult in moments that were important for us, from our perpective.

The reassuring and loving presence and words of an adult could have helped us digest the emotions and understand it wasn't about us.

These unprocessed emotions can remain blocked in our body and subconscious, forming core wounds (rejection, abandonment, humiliation ...) and limiting beliefs about self that we often carry into adulthood.

From my own experience and my clients' ones, healing our inner child is key in order to live a fulfilling and healthy life.

Making this choice changes all your relationships, starting with your relationship with yourself, your spouses, parents, children, friends, co-workers.

Meanwhile, sending you my best wishes for this new year.

May it be filled with joy, health and inner-peace.

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