What are the 100 things you want to accomplish in your life ?

Hey, thank you for being here.

I'm really happy to connect or reconnect with you.

Maybe we know each other from our studies together in Rouen Business School.

Or maybe we met in Hong Kong when I was working in the corporate world.

We could have also met in Tel Aviv where I was selling diamonds or giving yoga classes in your office.

Or we met on a yoga cruise in Turkey or in Portugal.

Writing this actually gives me a feeling of aliveness and accomplishment.

if you've met me in the last year, you know me as a personal development coach living on an island in Thailand.

This is how I've decided to live my life : fully, fearlessly and free from regret.

So let me ask you something.

Do you think you're living your life to its fullest ?

Are you feeling something is somehow missing in your life ?

Are you thinking life must be more than "just" that ?

Are you scared to start from scratch ?

Do you think you're too old to reinvent yourself ?

I was there too.

And today this is what I do. I help my clients gain clarity and take actions to create a life in their own terms, aligned with their deepest needs and desires.

Read testimonials here.

If you feel the calling, I invite you to reach out to set up a coaching session with me. .

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